Saturday, June 13, 2020


 Why is there still such a deep-seated, prolific atmosphere of hatred, fear, and racism in this Country? After all we have gone through as a Nation, where we find ourselves today is not where I would have envisioned forty or fifty years ago. Regardless of what our Legislators and the media tell you, we are still not “in this all together”. That phrase implies that everyone is equal, and we know, only too well, that is far from truth. Yet, we are so quick to lecture other Nations about their civil rights shortfalls. It’s time to shut up and tend to our own house on this issue. We might even have a Happy Country, without pharmaceuticals!

There have been too many years of protest marches. There has been too much spineless legislation passed. There have been too many lives lost. And still, here we are in a never ending quagmire
of hate, fear, and racism. This is far from a partisan problem. This cancer is a societal problem.

- Is the United States truly a melting pot?
- Do societies ever evolve over time?
- Do some folks still cling to our Civil War 160 years later?
- Do some people not care at all about what has happened here over the past 70 years?
- Do we have the right to cling onto the old colonial caste system?
- Why are some people considered more worthy than others?
- Is it even possible to solve the gap of inequality?
We don’t own the past; our ancestors do. When we exit the birth canal, we do not hate anyone. We don’t have a racist bone in our bodies. That gives rise to the conclusion that all our prejudice is a learned response, and it, for some reason, has been passed down from generation to generation.

I write this solely from a societal perspective on the equality of humankind, period. This Nation is fast tearing itself to shreds over this. I will try my best to keep these essays small. Nobody wants to read for an hour straight with no pictures; myself included.

My personal thought on solving this situation is as follows.

The only way out of this death spiral is
to elect someone to the highest office
who has a plan and knows how to lower
the hammer on our Country.
Maybe then, we will have a chance to

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Department of Veterans Affairs is in chaos!

This is a reprint from three years ago. It is still appropriate today. 

That’s correct:
nobody in Washington DC 
gives a crap about Veterans!

Referring back to “VCR” Syndrome among Veterans, I offer a few recent headlines from articles I receive via emails: subscribed and unsolicited. I will not beat this topic to death. I simply feel strongly it needs to be said, again
Please look at #7....sound familiar?

      Most Veterans Say Iraq, Afghanistan Wars
     Weren't Worth It: Pew Report [1]
OUR COMMENT: Didn’t the Government say this was nothing like Vietnam?

Medal of Honor Recipient Dakota Meyer
Launches GoFundMe for PTSD Treatment [1]
OUR COMMENT: I guess his VAMC ran out of Mental Health budget money!

Federal Cannabis Policies Are Hurting
Veterans. Here's How to Fix Them [1]
OUR COMMENT: Fix whom the Feds, the policies, or the Veterans?

2019-06-11 O&I Subcommittee
Oversight Hearing : Examining VA’s Police Force[1]
OUR COMMENT: VA’s Police Force - so open and transparent...NOT

       Homeless women veterans are afraid to be separated from their children if they seek help, advocates say[1]
COMMENT: I guess they would be safe down at the border...right?

     Homicide detective investigates veteran death after va police altercation[1]
OUR COMMENT: Oh, they wouldn’t! They love their Vets, too.

     Malaria drug causes brain damage that mimics PTSD: case study[1]
OUR COMMENT: Please do sign me up for that little pill. Sound a little familiar?
[1] All headlines are from - Newsletter.

How do headlines like those above lead to:


What The Fuck, Over!

Take a look at this short video on of testimony given before the House Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs (Mark Takano, Chairman - D., CA)


 By Hutch Dubosque / August 20, 2019
For the past 66 years, or so, our Nation’s judicial system has been experiencing a slow tortuous downward trend. This blog will be dedicated to showing the documentation and proof that this trend has damaged our democracy. I am proposing that this degradation and inversion of American jurisprudence has put all but the very rich in peril of receiving outrageous sentences when found guilty of a crime. Though this has been a known fact for a very long time, the speed at which the gap has widened is frightening.

Sec. I
Starting in the 1950’s post-WWII American socio-economic-political climate saw an enormous increase in International spying.
MAD Magazine was featuring its “SPY vs SPY” series; a popular spoof on the antics of International spying (with a bent toward the Soviet Union).
This increase in spying was due mostly to the advances of nuclear technology. Our government was once reasonably open and transparent on this subject, and the American public was privy to at least the major high-profile cases.

Sec. II
In the 1950’s, the consequences for getting caught spying for a hostile Country was swift and dire.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg -
§  They gave our nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union for six years.
§  They were discovered in late 1940’s
§  They were indicted and tried in 1952
§  And, both were sent to the electric chair in 1953. 

Sec. III
These two were the highest profile spies that were offered up to the public. There were many more. Some were caught; others escaped without detection; and the Soviets learned very well how best to infiltrate our National institutions. At the very same time, the United States was conducting the same spying activities in a number of foreign Countries; the Soviet Union, China, India, Pakistan, Japan. The U.S. also developed a little habit of spying on their Allies, as well. So, MAD Magazine wasn’t far off in its depiction of the International spy game.
Sec. IV

CIA under Truman                                                                                                                                 CIA under Eisenhower                                                                  
Sydney Souers                                                Allen Dulles
“...coordinating all US clandestine                              “...the CIAengineered coup that resulted     
activities abroad...”                                                                in the removal of the Iranian prime                                                                                                                    minister, Mohammed Mossadegh, from                                                                                                             power in August 1953, and Operation                                                                                                                  PBSUCCESS, which brought about the                                                                                                           ousting of Guatemalan president, Jacobo                                                                                                          Arbenz Guzman, in June 1954.”

I offer this history to substantiate that the United States had “skin in the game” also. We ran hundreds of U-2 surveillance flights over other Countries, most notably the USSR, until the Soviets developed a missile that could reach high enough to intercept our U-2’s. The ensuing case of Gary Powers, the U-2 pilot who was shot down, was the first media sensation of our own spying efforts.  Soviet actions in East Germany lead to the Berlin Airlift. There was aggressive spying on both sides. CIA removal of the Iranian Prime Minister, along with our actions in Turkey, made the USSR vary uncomfortable. Plenty of spying here, too; and, these were just the largest hot spots.

Sec. V
It remains a fact that most 1st & 2nd world Countries are involved in espionage to some degree. The Rosenberg’s’ case is but one of many where our Intelligence apparatus was working well. The focus of this is what the consequences were when our justice system has chimed in on the prosecution of foreign “spy’s”.
How swift was the justice after we caught a foreign spy
How quickly did the spy go on trial
Given a guilty verdict, what was the severity of the sentence   
    imposed and how quickly that sentence was carried out

Sec. VI
It has continued through the computer age and into our current tech age.
For the past two years in the U.S., there seems to be an inversion of the rule of law that has been thrown in our faces. Thirty years ago the penalties for a conviction of treason and/or espionage involved minimum jail times of 30 years to life. It didn’t much matter whether you were a U.S. citizen or a foreigner. As the Nation has been “dumbed” down (another blog subject, all together) over this period, so too has the judicial system spirale into a whirlpool.

Our 2016 general election and resultant indictments of political operatives working for foreign governments necessitates seriously questioning. Why does espionage by a Russian citizen receive 18 months in jail, while a shoplifter or pot-smoker receives a 15-20 year sentence?

Our Commanders-In-Chief / last half of the 20th Century
Here is a sample of American citizens doing business as Russian operatives dating back to the Cold War days. By 1997, the length of prison sentence started dropping remarkably.
§  James W. Hall III - 40-year sentence - 1988
§  Aldrich Ames -life sentence - 1994
§  Harold James Nicholson - 23-year sentence - 1997
Is the drop in sentencing due to diplomatic considerations, the dumbing down of our justice system, or some other nefarious reason?

Our Commanders-In-Chief / first 2 decades of the 21st Century

The 21st Century brought fewer foreign spies, and, according to government accounts, they have become much more difficult to uncover and apprehend. As recent events have pointed out, there seems to be more American citizens collaborating with foreign interests than ever before. The ones we know about seem to be receiving a “slap on the wrist” for doing what used to produce lengthy prison sentences. The largest foreign spy ring busted in this Century consisted of 10 families living normal looking lives. After the government decided to round them up, they were “traded” for 4 Americans being detained in Russia.

And, now, in 2019, we see Maria Butina get off with an 18 month sentence after pleading guilty to espionage. She will be credited with the 9 months she has been locked up already, so in early 2020 she will be released and deported.

Have we gone this soft on foreign nations and fellow Americans who wish to see an end to our democracy? Is this shift in our judicial system only applicable to “high profile” cases? The financial crisis of 2008 brought zero jail time for the perpetrators. Is this, as stated above, something more sinister that we should be alarmed? There are plenty of questions, but the trend is undeniable.

The “dumbing of America” and the inversion of “jurisprudence” seem to be running neck and neck in an effort to allow the owners of the Nation’s wealth to further stretch the divide between themselves and the rest of the citizenry. What is even more troubling than that is the apparent “I don’t care” attitude of our local and national governments. Does corporate America have such a death grip on the Federal and State governments that elected officials are no longer allowed to actually govern the Country? If this does not get straightened out, we will be celebrating our Nation’s 250th birthday in 2026 as something other than a democracy.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

It’s going to be a very long erection cycle!

(November, 2020 can’t “cum” soon enough.)

Just a little something to get through the doldrums:

Be Aware of MDS!
"Do not ask your Doctor if MDS is right for you..."

Medical experts are shocked by this new discovery, because it reveals a “hidden part of the “head” that acts as the control center for male function.

It’s not your heart, your brain, your prostate, and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with low testosterone, or anything else your doctor might tell you.
In fact, scientists now believe it’s directly responsible for
Male Dysfunction Syndrome, as well as virtually all your performance problems in life.

Our study is backed by the latest findings in erection cycle science, including studies from Georgetown University Medical School that prove everything exposed inside this controversial Research Study.

Honestly, I can’t guarantee for how long this Research Study will be online, because ever since it’s gone viral, the executives at big companies that profit from the MDS epidemic in America fear this video could kill sales of their drugs for MDS.                                          

So, I urge you to have a look right now before it gets censored, and before it goes flaccid.

Your friend in your end, SIGGY

‘From Where I Sit’

I am neither for nor against any organized religion. Everyone has the absolute right to seek his or her spirituality and faith from any quarter they choose. I am simply pointing to a possible scenario involving religions on a global scale.

Ever since the days of the Vietnam War and Watergate, I have had a healthy mistrust in what the U.S. Government has been telling the public on almost every issue that affects us.
Since my teenage years, I have wondered about the “division of Church and State”. The constructors of our founding documents made a clear, unambiguous
statement to keep Church and State separated; mostly due to their past experiences with the English Monarchy/Church, from which they were seceding. My question is how has this provision in our Constitution been increasingly ignored over my lifetime and been allowed to meld into the body politic.   

While I am sure this is not a brand new phenomenon, the blurring of the lines between Church and State has been noticeably growing at a fast pace. I first noticed this in the late 1950’s when Dwight Eisenhower was President and our Nation’s Civil Rights movement started shifting into high gear. Back then, as it is now, it was perfectly understandable that our society was looking for spiritual guidance. Then, in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, The Vietnam Conflict led many young folks toward seeking alternative spiritual guidance. Some folks seemed to find that guidance in sex, drugs, and rock and roll. By the time the 1980’s and the 1990’s rolled in, it seemed like National and Global incidents were coming at us much faster. The 2000’s and 2010’ kept this ball rolling at an ever increasing rate. Now, it’s the 2020’s and World and National events have picked up momentum such that Church is covertly able to infiltrate the State.

While the Nation has been in constant upheaval here and abroad, our citizenry seemed to be fast losing their trust in a major source of social guidance, the U.S. Government. With that trust center all but gone, folks have turned to forms of organized religion, forms of atheism, and other less traditional means of spirituality to find guidance. Amidst National mayhem and chaos, the erosion of separation of Church and State is in its final stages. This was, and is, going on very much behind the scenes.
Something to seriously ponder:
                                       [Ctrl + click to open hyperlinks]

I invite you to look into The Fellowship Foundation. They are the folks who run the “National Prayer Breakfast” in Washington DC and in over 100 Countries globally (referred to generally as “The Family”). Take a look at the World’s movers and shakers who attend these events. Who, in our Country, invites them (invitation only to the events). I believe that everyone should get some education on this situation to see where this movement is headed.

The National Prayer Breakfast is a yearly event held in Washington, D.C., usually on the first Thursday in February. The founder of this event was Abraham Vereide.[1] The event—which is actually a series of meetings, luncheons, and dinners—has taken place since 1953 and has been held at least since the 1980s at the Washington Hilton on Connecticut Avenue NW.
The National Prayer Breakfast, held in the Hilton's International Ballroom, is yearly attended by some 3,500 guests, including international invitees from over 100 countries. It is hosted by members of the United States Congress and is organized on their behalf by The Fellowship Foundation, a Christian organization. It is designed to be a forum for the political, social, and business elite to assemble and pray together. Since the inception of the National Prayer Breakfast, several U.S. states and cities and other countries have established their own annual prayer breakfast events.
[1]: Getter, Lisa (September 27, 2002), "Showing Faith in Discretion", Los Angeles Times.

The origin of the National Prayer Breakfast is traced back to prayer groups with business and civic leaders in Seattle, organized by Abraham Vereide in the 1930's. When he moved to Washington, DC, he established similar groups with members of Congress. In 1953, President Dwight D. Eisenhower attended a meeting by invitation of Congressmen, Vereide, and Billy Graham. Vereide's successor Douglas Coe and Rev. Richard C. Halverson have also carried leadership roles in organizing the event. A government leader was quoted as saying that the Breakfast and Coe's influence offers foreign leaders access to the President that "circumvents the State Department and usual vetting... that such a meeting would require," and other participants indicated that their purpose for attending was political.[2] Initially called the Presidential Prayer Breakfast, the name was changed in 1970 to the National Prayer Breakfast. Every American president since Dwight D. Eisenhower has participated in the annual event.[3][4]
[2]:  Lindsay, D. Michael (2006). "Is the National Prayer Breakfast Surrounded by a "Christian Mafia"? Religious Publicity and Secrecy within the Corridors of Power". Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 74 (2): 390–419. doi:10.1093/jaarel/lfj060ISSN 0002-7189JSTOR 4094038.

Mission Statement -
The Fellowship Foundation's 501(c)(3) mission statement is: To develop and maintain an informal association of people banded together, to go out as "ambassadors of reconciliation," modeling the principles of Jesus, based on loving God and loving others.

You may have thought that Leah Remini’s
expose’ on the Church of Scientology was bizarre.

Is Washington DC simply ignoring a major element of our founding documents? Why has religion become so entrenched in our Government even when our Constitution proclaims otherwise? It seems “The Family’s” mission creep has become a sprint. I am beginning to think that Christianity, in some form, is attempting to fortify its ranks for the possibility of another great religious war. Moreover, this is not being done in the Churches. This is being done very quietly in the halls and back rooms of government. After all, what has been behind wars of all kinds for thousands of years? Humankind’s history has been dominated with religious wars; some small, some large, some extremely large.
I have taken note of some current theories on what the next World War may look like. It would not surprise me in the least if World War III is fought exclusively on religious grounds; perhaps, Christianity vs. Islam. For this reason alone, it behooves our Citizenry keep a keen eye on our Federal Government. and what they do in this arena.

Do not let a handful of manipulators and
scoundrels lead us down a very dark hole.