"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

First, of all, the Articles and Amendments that make up the U.S. Constitution were crafted in the late 1700’s. Our Country was still a Colony of the British Empire, and was in the throes of building a government and a new Nation. At best, our Founding Fathers needed to come up with a way to ensure our borders were defended; “being necessary to the security of a free State,”. We had the British and the Spanish coming at us from the East, and Native Americans coming at us from the North and West. Couched in that light, the basic interpretation of the Second Amendment draws the intent toward a “National Guard” –

Please, folks, stop listening to all the little nit-picking, nattering nabobs of negativism, and start using that thing resting on top of your shoulders, i.e. your friggin’ brain (also, referred to as the mass between your ears)! You are making those of us who have half a brain look really stupid, and that’s not nice, so quit it out!