The place said to be the origin of Man will also see the death of
Man. Why nobody is looking at this little problem we like to call the Mideast
and Persia is a complete mystery to me. The beginning of the end started with
the overthrow of the Shah of Iran in 1978. That was a debacle that thoroughly
embarrassed the United States, and has led to a constant stream of overt and
covert missions to retrieve the face we lost. Our presence in the Mideast has
nothing to do with oil. It has nothing to do with nation building, or
democracy. It has everything to do with revenge. The United States Government
is Hell bent on turning the Mideast upside-down and inside-out for taking over
our Embassy in Tehran and holding most of the Staff hostage for a year and a
There has always been talk of America’s envy of Mideast oil. The word on the street after freeing Kuwait was that the U.S. would benefit by receiving more oil at a lower price. That didn’t happen, did it? So, we went back and took down Iraq with the promise that Iraqi oil would completely pay for our military expedition. That didn’t quite happen either, did it?
I suppose that our incursion into Afghanistan will be paid for by the opium production that is alive and well in that Country. Well, you know that isn’t going to happen.
Has anyone ever thought about just how much money the United
States has dropped in this Region? I did a little looking into that question,
and the numbers might keep you up at night. How does $6,509,500,000.00[1] sound [$6.510 trillion] since 1980? That’s a lot of
Doe-Ray-Me, if you know what I mean. This money is given freely to Countries
whose citizens have an annual per capita income of $500.00 dollars (if that).I
won’t even begin to tell you what we could have done with that money here at
home. If you ponder the situation for a while, you’ll come up with some pretty
good ideas of your own.

You may ask, “Why would anyone, in their right mind, want to tell
our government to pour all those trillions of taxpayers’ dollars into an
obvious “money pit’ in the Mideast?” The answer is fairly simple and is
becoming clearer every day. If the 1% get the 99% to throw their money away,
then the 99% won’t have any money left. When this happens, our Federal, State
and Local governments go belly up, as in bankrupt, for lack of a tax base.
Meanwhile, the 1% is skimming off the top of all these tax dollars and hoarding
cash offshore in tax havens. When the time comes, and it will, the 1% will buy
this Country back for pennies on the dollar. Don’t worry about Sharia Law
blanketing the Nation, or the Western World, for that matter. The only religion
will be that of the corporation. The only way to put bread on your table will
be to cow-tow to the corporation. In essence, the corporation will attempt to
rule the World, but not until another one of our military expeditions has been
undertaken to avenge those poor souls who had to endure captivity in the heat
and sweat of Iran.
The end result of this will most likely be Armageddon. In its
attempt to find the face it lost in 1978, the United States will find itself
staring down the barrels of the Russian and the Chinese Military, and this time
someone will blink.
[1]$409.5 billion / 1980-2010 in foreign aid; $3.7 trillion for three major military efforts and $1.6 trillion for five minor military efforts / $800 billion for logistical aid to Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan in their little skirmishes. [Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, U.S. State Department, Government Accounting Office, Rand Corp.]