Saturday, June 13, 2020


 Why is there still such a deep-seated, prolific atmosphere of hatred, fear, and racism in this Country? After all we have gone through as a Nation, where we find ourselves today is not where I would have envisioned forty or fifty years ago. Regardless of what our Legislators and the media tell you, we are still not “in this all together”. That phrase implies that everyone is equal, and we know, only too well, that is far from truth. Yet, we are so quick to lecture other Nations about their civil rights shortfalls. It’s time to shut up and tend to our own house on this issue. We might even have a Happy Country, without pharmaceuticals!

There have been too many years of protest marches. There has been too much spineless legislation passed. There have been too many lives lost. And still, here we are in a never ending quagmire
of hate, fear, and racism. This is far from a partisan problem. This cancer is a societal problem.

- Is the United States truly a melting pot?
- Do societies ever evolve over time?
- Do some folks still cling to our Civil War 160 years later?
- Do some people not care at all about what has happened here over the past 70 years?
- Do we have the right to cling onto the old colonial caste system?
- Why are some people considered more worthy than others?
- Is it even possible to solve the gap of inequality?
We don’t own the past; our ancestors do. When we exit the birth canal, we do not hate anyone. We don’t have a racist bone in our bodies. That gives rise to the conclusion that all our prejudice is a learned response, and it, for some reason, has been passed down from generation to generation.

I write this solely from a societal perspective on the equality of humankind, period. This Nation is fast tearing itself to shreds over this. I will try my best to keep these essays small. Nobody wants to read for an hour straight with no pictures; myself included.

My personal thought on solving this situation is as follows.

The only way out of this death spiral is
to elect someone to the highest office
who has a plan and knows how to lower
the hammer on our Country.
Maybe then, we will have a chance to

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