To: VA Inspector General, Dept. of Labor,
NY State Dept. of Health,
U.S. Joint Commission,
U.S. Office of Special Counsel,
Martin Evans - Newsday
Valerie Bauman - NY Times,
Kristina Rebelo - NY Times
From: Hutch Dubosque, US Military
10 Woolsey St.,
Huntington, NY 11743-2641
1-631-223-6107(cell) /
Subject: Allegations of mismanagement and
misconduct at the
Department of Veterans Affairs Medical
79 Middleville Rd., Northport, NY
To Whom It
May Concern,
I am a
Vietnam Veteran who has been an outpatient at the VA Medical Center in
Northport, NY, since 1979. My presence at the Medical Center was limited due to
my work schedule until 2009, when I had to retire from work for medical reasons.
Since 2009, I have been present at this Facility at least three days a week.
There are some issues that have become known to me recently at this Medical
Center. I feel these issues need investigating, as I perceive them to be at
least unethical, and at most criminal.

The situation
with the Hospital’s Operating Suites may be just the tip of a very large
“iceberg”. There are a number of other troubling situations that I have been
informed of by Hospital employees who I consider very reliable and trustworthy
(Medical Staff members). In an effort to keep this brief, I will list summary
thumbnails of each situation I am aware of.
- The basement of the Hospital houses the Radiology
Department and other Departments. In May, it was discovered that the air
conditioning unit serving just the basement fell into disrepair and is no
longer serviceable. The Hospital Administration deemed it prudent to lease
portable A/C units for the summer months at a price of $120.000.00 per
month. It would cost in the neighborhood of $75,000.00 to repair the
existing unit. I will leave the math up to you. This Administration is
apparently waiting on Federal Funding to replace the entire system.
- It has been brought to my attention that a number of
senior Medical Staff and Hospital Administrators have been either coming
to work intoxicated, or becoming so while on the job.
- It has been brought to my attention that there are once-senior
Doctors who are drawing a full-time salary from this Hospital, and do not
actually work here. They have been seen by Hospital Staff and fellow
Veterans enjoying private practice in the local private medical sector,
thus receiving two substantial means of income.
- I realize that, nationally, the Veterans Health and
Benefit Administrations have been trying to resolve and fix some large
deficiencies in the system. In addressing my local situation, The VA
Medical Center Administration in Northport has claimed that they have
reduced the appointment “wait-times” to an average of 3.55 days. I can
personally attest to wait-times in terms of months, not days. I can only
conclude that this Hospital is using some sort of “Voodoo” accounting in
arriving at their figures. I have the backing of every fellow Veteran I
know on this matter. It seems that our Politicians, the local Press, and
the VA’s Office of Inspector General are still “drinking the Kool-Aide” on
this matter.
In summation,
if I am aware of these few practices and situations, how much more is going on
underneath the surface. Usually where there is smoke, there is fire.
I am
asking for a full independent audit of all business practices at the VA Medical
Center in Northport, NY. My fellow local Veterans deserve no less; our Nation’s
Veterans deserve no less. I would appreciate your consideration in this, and am
willing to discuss any of these situations with you anytime, anywhere.

Thanking you
in advance,
Hutch Dubosque
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