Thursday, January 28, 2021

 Hutch Dubosque, 11/30/20



What jumps of the title is one word in our Nation’s name. “United” is the word and it is in our Nation’s name for a reason. Those early icons who designed this Country knew that, if we were not united, their attempt at creating a Nation would become a colossal fail.

For 240 years, we have been able to closely live up to the ideal of us being united. There have been many hurdles throughout those 240 years, and we have been able to overcome some very large obstacles. As for the last twelve years, we have met a hurdle that we may not overcome. I will not lay blame on anyone individual or group.

What has happened in this Nation, in my opinion, was inevitable. The overall anger has proven very divisive. There have been numerous times a social split has occurred and produced a high level of anger. The Civil War being the biggest split. In more recent times, it has been anybody’s guess as to exactly when the division of our society would occur and stick for good. The division that we’re experiencing currently may lead to the collapse of everything we have come to believe is the norm.

The social division we are going through has been at a slow boil under the surface for as many as thirty to forty years. During that time, we have seen a large increase in “membership” to the local militias around the Country. We have also seen a huge increase in the purchase of military grade weapons. I believe we have made the gun manufacturers very, very happy.

The prospect of reaching a point that triggers another National civil war is not a pretty picture; given the modern fire power on both sides. The practical solutions that are needed to avoid such a catastrophe are waiting for all us to grab on to.  The big question is which solution do you start with? If we could set the table for success, two good jumping off platforms might be: 1) The entire Country takes a deep breath (maybe six or twenty-three). 2) Start both “sides” on the road to communicating with each other (this is a daunting task and must be taken seriously). In general, before we deal with 1) and 2) some myths need to be dispelled.

The Constitution allows for freedom of speech and expression; to a point. These freedoms were not meant to morph into hate, bigotry, and division. This brilliant document was meant to form a civilized Nation.

The 2nd Amendment has also been hijacked to the extreme; nobody is “coming” to take anyone’s guns away. Would everyone please drop this mantra and take a “chill pill”?  You can actually read the 2nd Amendment, a few times and, without prejudice, take it at its word. Please stop embellishing someone else’s idea of what it means. Try to put your self in the shoes of our Nation’s Founders. Try to understand why this amendment was placed in our Bill of Rights. Think of the times in which it was crafted. There was no standing Army and the States were tasked with creating what we now call the National Guard, not packs of citizens parading their weaponry around in public. Please cut out this macho-man stance. You don’t wear it well.

If you only read and focus on these two amendments alone, you will be in a better place to form your own conclusions. Don’t be afraid of opening conversations with folks who have a different perspective than you have; both parties can learn from each other. You may find you have more in common with people than you thought; this goes both ways. We all have our Nation’s best interests in mind so let’s get to know each other.


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