So, our
fearless leaders think they can “solve” all the problems in the Mid-East and Persia!
If all our past attempts are any indication, our fearless leaders are in for a
rude awakening.
Does the
civilized world need to eradicate scourges like ISIL?
You betcha!
Is the
United States the only entity capable of handing out guns and pulling triggers?
I don’t think
along the way, our foreign policies and perceptions got skewed toward making us
believe this part of the World really wanted our style of governance, economy,
and society. We collectively forgot that, to this day, much of the World is
still tribal, and acts in ways that tend to baffle and frustrate us. In doing
so, we tend to get other folks rather upset with our “exceptionality”. That
said, the current state of terrorism is generally more of a threat to the
Mid-East, Persia, Northern Africa, and Europe than it is to the North American
The past is
gone, and we can’t do anything to change that. What we can do is take a
realistic and honest look at where things stand now; including governance,
economy, and society in the Nation-States most affected by the current rash of
terrorism. The United States, especially, should be sensitive to recognizing a
people’s right to self-governance; governance that will most likely look very
different from the one we chose. After all, didn’t we fight a little war back
in the 1700’s to do just that? Our Colonies were originally created out of
religious persecution in Europe, and our Revolution was fought over the
Colonial exploitation of Great Britain. So, perhaps trying to control all the
tribal factions in this area of the World is not what the “West” should be
concentrating on. Hell, it’s like herding cats, anyway; a no-win situation.

How does
Iran do it? They slowly cement their ideology on a tribe-by-tribe basis. They
do not directly attack the governments of neighbor States; they slowly create
chaos and mayhem on a local level, and then duplicate the process from tribe to
tribe, village to village, region to region. Their strategy is one of a ground
up insurgency using religion and terrorism, instead of outright regime change
(favored by the U.S. and Russia). I don’t know about Russia, but the U.S. has
been warned of endless conflicts and armed quagmires for many years and by many
Leaders and Heads of State. The most famous admonition I can remember came from
Charles De Gaulle, President of France, in the 1961. He warned President
Kennedy that warfare in Vietnam would trap America in a bottomless military and
political swamp. Prior to that, ex-President Dwight Eisenhower mused that,
having a row of dominoes set up, you knock the first one down, and the last one
will fall very quickly thereafter. Eisenhower’s
thinking led to the modern-day term; “Domino Theory”.
The last
ten years have brought the Mid-East to a boiling point that has made the
Iranian leadership ecstatic. As Russia, China, and the United States flex their
diplomatic and military muscles in this region, Iran will force a tipping point
that will look catastrophic to the rest of the World. The “Domino Theory” sets
up like this:
1. Iran coddles Al-Qaeda and ISIL by furnishing them safe haven, training, weapons, and finances.
2. As the dominoes fall, Iran sets up "puppet" governments who force Sharia Law on the local tribes.
3. For the dominoes that prove a little tougher to topple, Iran foments Civil War to accomplish their mission.
4. Iran keeps Israel at bay by bolstering Palestine's military arsenal.
5. There are certain tribal areas that Iran will not touch until the very end of their jihadist expansion. Those left until the end will be: Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and, possibly, Turkey.
6. Iran allows the United States to continue the destabilization in Pakistan. A job the U.S. seems to do well.
7. At some point, the Superpowers pull out of the Mideast, and abandon it altogether. The sheer cost of Nation Building becomes prohibitive for all concerned.
8. Pakistan falls to Iran, and Iran gets its nuclear weapons without having to rejoin their own nuclear program.
9. The U.S. is reluctant and slow to come to the aid of Israel. This leaves Israel no alternative but to take matters into their own hands, and all Hell breaks loose; especially, if Iran has secured Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.
As all Hell
is breaking loose, the United Nations will be called upon to come up with a
viable plan of action. At this point, the most efficient plan would be for the
United Nations to sanction and oversee some form of legal assassination. If
such a plan were successful, after a certain number of assassinations, the Arab
tribes might get the message and reject Iran’s intentions. This drastic step
may be the only means by which to avoid mass collateral damage. This drastic
step also needs the ownership of governments and militaries in the region.

If Israel
were to succumb to the new Islamic caliphates and end up in the Sea, Iran
formally takes the reigns and declares the entire Mideast/Persian region a
Supreme Islamic Caliphate. Iran will then control the land mass from India all
the way to the Mediterranean Sea. The big question to follow is who among the Superpowers tries to sneak in the back door and form alliances with the new Church
Nation, and how will that work out? The next question is where does Iran take
its Islamic expansion from here?
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