Sunday, August 5, 2012

Front Page Drive-in News

  I am writing this because I feel very strongly when it comes to supporting our Men and Women in Uniform; not because I necessarily agree, or disagree, with the actual conflicts they find themselves engaged in. It is with cautious optimism that I congratulate the New York Times. The “Section - A” front pages for Saturday, Aug. 4th,,  and Sunday, Aug. 5th,  had mention of happenings in Afghanistan. Remember Afghanistan; that little Country where our Soldiers are fighting and dying? I know you do. It seems that one of our Nation’s most highly regarded print Newspapers actually did forget about Afghanistan for a while. With all the rambling rhetoric about how we all support our Troops overseas, one might be led to believe that the Wars we are fighting are worthy of front page status on a daily basis.

    Granted, this is a National Election year. But, would you put State Fairs and a foreign automobile manufacturer ahead of our Men and Women risking their lives in our name? This weekend’s editions of the New York Times included one story about two Afghan Ministers (Sunday, Aug. 5th) and a bottom of the page index mentioning a number of inter-tribal killings. I realize it is not quite what we deserve from the Journalism Sector, but, given the past month’s reporting, this is a start in the right direction.

   It is my most sincere hope that the New York Times, and every other newsprint outlet, keep the stories of our Troops in the forefront of National reporting. The lives of each and every Man and Woman in our Armed Forces effects the lives of each and every U.S. Citizen. As a Country, we owe them all the respect we can garner.

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